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Australian Adventure Travel with Pets

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Travel Adventures with pets in WA North

The North of Western Australia

Up ] Carnarvon Area ] Rocky Pool ] Korean Star ] Coral Bay Area ] Mauds Landing ] Regans Ford ]

Our Travel with pets in  Western Australia .

Travel in the North of Western Australia  takes you through some barren and desert like terrain. The sea though has few waves and is warm. Fishing is usually excellent and the type of fish varies along the coast line. 

Most rivers are dry but those with water do usually contain fish like Brim.

Always carry enough water for your trip as water is scarce in the North. Northampton is the last place you are likely to get water from and the next place is Carnarvon. After that you wont get water until you reach Karratha and after that Port Hedland then Broome.. If you take the other route you can get water at Coral Bay and Exmouth. Distances between water stops vary from 500km to 800km. It is easy to get sidetracked and stop at a place you find along the way as it a beautiful country side.

Heartworm tablets is a MUST for pets in the North. Frontline is also recommended for pets in Carnarvon as it has a Tick Plague.

For Humans Bushman's is the only repellant that will work once you are past Carnarvon. In emergencies raw Dettol does work but not for long.

Books are still available for travel in this region, but free camping sites is all but extinct due to the thirst for the mighty dollar.

Waste of time places

Onslow does not have any thing to offer. The caravan Park there may or may not accept dogs, seems to depend on the mood of the day. It is also a fair hike in from the highway. It has a rather small usable beach and the wind is usually blowing. There are some shops and petrol is available at a high cost. Not recommended here, but about halfway in is a great river stop Part of the Fortesque where you can camp and dogs here is fine but from the parking area it is a steep descent to the water. 


Up ] Carnarvon Area ] Rocky Pool ] Korean Star ] Coral Bay Area ] Mauds Landing ] Regans Ford ]


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