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Travel North in Western Australia

Korean Star


Up ] Carnarvon Area ] Rocky Pool ] [ Korean Star ] Coral Bay Area ] Mauds Landing ] Regans Ford ]


This section of coast is very rough. It was also the site of a huge feeding  frenzy in 1998. This is where the Korean Star ended up being wrecked on the rocks. It is usually impossible to gain access to whets left as the sea here is dangerous. A popular spot for King waves.

No problems with dogs here


Slide Show


Korean Star that Broke up

Salt mine

Korean Star that Broke up

Some of the coastline around the Korean Star, This view is to the right of the shipwreck.

About a 1km  from the left of the wreck is a salt mine jetty where ships come in to load the salt

Part of the wreck of the Korean Star.

Korean Star that Broke up Korean Star that Broke up Korean Star Location fishing

More of the wreck. It is now broken into three different sections

Yet again the stern section of the wreck. Each time I have seen it it appears to be in a new area as rhe sea is rough and strong

Some folks fishing not far from the salt mine or about half way between the wreck and the mine. How they got there I do not know as I could not see the path through the camera zoom

  Scenery by Korean Star  

Same as the above picture but in this shot you can get an idea of how far they are away from where I am. Never did figure out how they got down there



Up ] Carnarvon Area ] Rocky Pool ] [ Korean Star ] Coral Bay Area ] Mauds Landing ] Regans Ford ]


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