AWVP Loved Pets in Australia

Australian Adventure Travel with Pets

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Travel Adventures with pets in Australia

Travel with Pets in Australia

WA North ] WA South ] South Australia ]

These sections covers places we traveled and our adventures with pets in Australia. 

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There ARE great places to go see and if you like the bush there are vast areas still unexplored due to access difficulty. Free camping along the coast is extinct due to the power of the Dollar, especially the tourist dollar lol. 

Good idea is to carry a medical aid kit and water. Let some one know where you going if you go into arid areas.  Remember water is scarce in the WA north. 

In emergency you can collect water 100 meters from the waters edge on the coast to drink. Boil first would be better. The tree collection idea is slow and not many trees in desert areas, still you can use the roof of the car, there is condensation every night and it works about the same as the tree idea. 

Bushman spray is best for the north to protect against biting insects and flies.

Books are available for travel in these regions, but free camping sites is all but extinct due to the thirst for the mighty dollar, so do not be surprised if the latest book on free camping is wrong when you get there.

Pets are welcome in most places in the North, but almost no where in the South. Camping in the South is scarce unless you go to caravan or tourist places. National parks is out of bounds for pets, which is rather stupid for some and really the way its going there will be nothing but national parks. I was told by a Parks Ranger the reason pets are not allowed is because a dog will wee on a tree and this chases the wild life away. Well think about it. Do you believe it??? ha ha... 

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