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Australian Adventure Travel with Pets

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Travel with pets South in Western Australia

The South of Western Australia

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This section covers our trips in the South of Western Australia.

The south is very green and consists mostly of National Parks. These are places that are designed for tourists and are mostly pay to enter and pay to stay. Some places have honesty boxes but these are few. It is fairly well populated in the south and there is a steady stream of traffic just about every where so help is usually on hand should you need it. These pictures are taken before all the places got classed as national parks and the NO CAMPING rules came along. Pets are not allowed in National parks in Australia. The reason given to me by a Ranger was, and I Quote " Dogs wee against a tree and that chases the wild life off " Well that is a first to me lol. Of course in reality you would never really see wild life as we have very few aside from birds, foxes, dingoes, kangaroos, rabbits. Wonder what the real reason is.

Free camping here is now well extinct. There are trails you can walk for days and here you can still camp out. Car and 4WD routes are pay to stay unless you use a overnight rest spot or parking area.

Books are available from the RAC in Perth which covers these areas. The free camping books are outdated by the time its printed as the legal freebie spots are gone here.  



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