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Travel North in Western Australia

Mauds Landing


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Is part of Coral Bay and to get there you take a gravel road which varies in roughness depending on time of year. It is a pleasant spot and last I heard plans are underway to destroy the natural beauty to make way for a holiday resort and man made luxury and beauty. This would of course affect the trade at the present spot in Coral Bay but the developers of course claim it would enhance the local trade, save the reef, create employment, all by creating a marina and permanent roads and housing in this section. well I guess developers do so much better work than nature and shrug off disasters they cause as  " Not Out Fault "


 Evenings and early mornings are the best time here for fishing.


4th July 2003. Finally after 16 years of the greedy trying to destroy the natural beauty of Coral Bay's Mauds Landing and Ningaloo Reef all in the name of Tourism, We the little people and the residents of Coral Bay finally won. The West Australian Government Premier, Geoff Gallop, announced today there would be no resort and marina. Also it will become world heritage so it does not become destroyed like the barrier reef. 


Of course the losers will now waste tax payer money wanting compensation. 


Dogs can run free but under control here


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Mauds Landing

Mauds Landing

Mauds Landing

Here is Sheba coming over to say she wants to go swimming. This is a view of the car park.

The road in to Mauds Landing. This section is good hard white sand but corrugated in most sections.

Here is someone describing to us the size of the fish you catch here. Trevellie, Snapper and cod are along this coast line.

  Mauds Landing  

Well this size description is entitled " THAT'S NO EXAGGERATION"   lol.



Up ] Carnarvon Area ] Rocky Pool ] Korean Star ] Coral Bay Area ] [ Mauds Landing ] Regans Ford ]


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