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Australian Adventure Travel with Pets

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Travel North in Western Australia

Regans Ford


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About a two hour drive from Perth North on the Brand Highway. It was the subject of flooding in winter 1999 and caused great loss and damage to homes in Moora. It is a good place to rest or to picnic. Picnic tables are provided. Very popular for the traveller. A garage and shop are also close by. 

Dogs can run free but under control else on a leash


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Regans Ford

Regans Ford

Regans Ford

The side of the river we used to stop at. Sheba and Ben Posing.

The path way or low bridge joining the two sides in the parking lot. During winter it overflows so you cannot tell where it is

Another view looking to the right of the bridge.

  Regans Ford  

Same shot but more view of the bank which is a private farm



Up ] Carnarvon Area ] Rocky Pool ] Korean Star ] Coral Bay Area ] Mauds Landing ] [ Regans Ford ]


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