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Travel North in Western Australia

Coral Bay


Up ] Carnarvon Area ] Rocky Pool ] Korean Star ] [ Coral Bay Area ] Mauds Landing ] Regans Ford ]


Is situated 12km from the highway to the coast. It is a popular spot for the tourist. Personally since it became so popular I no longer go as it has become far too over priced, overcrowded and full of NOT ALLOWED rules. Dogs are tolerated at a price.

At the caravan park, dogs to be kept on a lead. A surcharge applies to pets, refundable on leaving.



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Coral Bay Sign

Coral Bay Caravan Park Coral Bay

The Turn off from the highway to Coral Bay. It is the first turn off after Manilya Roadhouse. Petrol prices at Coral Bay is more than at the roadhouse but you can wait a long time to be served at the roadhouse.

The Caravan Park at Coral Bay. Very popular as it is the only one there. Usually late arrivals from about 4pm onwards cannot get in and are told to go to Mauds Landing to camp for the night. Of course you then have a Ranger that comes along to fine you for camping. I wonder if it is a deal between the two of them.

Opposite the Caravan Park is the beach where you can launch your boat. This section is not safe to lie on the beach as you may get run over by the heavy traffic.

Coral Bay Coral Bay Coral Bay

Another view of the beach. To lie on the beach the safest section is to the left of here as vehicle access is not allowed.

Most people launch their boats to go fishing or pleasure cruising around the bays in the area. The sea in this region is very calm. Sharks are plentiful as conditions are ideal for plenty food.

Available for the tourist is a glass bottom boat cruise where you can look at all the wonderful sights of the underwater world without having to get yourself wet.


Up ] Carnarvon Area ] Rocky Pool ] Korean Star ] [ Coral Bay Area ] Mauds Landing ] Regans Ford ]


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