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Australian Adventure Travel with Pets

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Travel North in Western Australia

Rocky Pool


Up ] Carnarvon Area ] [ Rocky Pool ] Korean Star ] Coral Bay Area ] Mauds Landing ] Regans Ford ]


Rocky Pool is situated 56km North East of Carnarvon. The road in is a mixture of Gravel and tar and is in good condition. There is a small sign pointing to the pool and the track in is a bit rough but only 2km from the main road. It is actually a river but although the river is usually dry the pool area is always full of water. The sand is soft clean and very hot in summer. The water is also very warm. Access from the car park is difficult and rocky. A bush toilet is available. A small path leads down to the sandy area and this is the best part to go enjoy yourself. Some shade is available here.

No problems with dogs here


Slide Show


Rocky Pool

Rocky Pool with Sheba and Ben

Rocky Pool with Shez

Looking towards the car park from the pool. Here it is very rough and the water deep.

Sheba with her brother enjoying the sun and drying off

Just above the sandy part. The sand is soft and not drivable with a 4WD.

Rocky Pool with Shez and Ben

Shez at Rocky Pool

Rocky Pool

Shez and boy wont stay still for a photo, Oh well.

Shez about to go swimming. This is the sandy section.

A view of the pool from the car park. This section is pretty deep.

  Rocky Pool  


A view looking down towards the sandy beach area and my favorite spot.



Up ] Carnarvon Area ] [ Rocky Pool ] Korean Star ] Coral Bay Area ] Mauds Landing ] Regans Ford ]


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