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Shez Life Story

First Litter

Chapter 9

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Shez First Litter Part 2

Smart and watches everything so Smarty This cute little puppy was the last born and one of the two boys. He is a real little sook,   always crying for mum and food, he is often on his own, he is a bit of a loner. Gypsie taken by Steven Here we have the biggest of the three girls. She is very alert and comes to us straight away when we enter the room.  She loves to cuddle. She has little habits like her father such as laying on her back and same tickle spot. 
Girl who is the biggest bully out of all of them. Loves to fight and growls like a big dog. She grabs them by the neck and shakes them.  I call her AGRO She fits Agro perfectly Here we have the smallest Girl. I call her Miss Lick Lick because as soon as you pick her up she just wants to lick you. She is Quit and gentle. Still bites fingers and loves to cuddle up and go to sleep in your arms. Cuddly & Furry So Fluffy I call her Collie
Loves attention so Cuddles is it for now taken by Vicky The Big Boy, he is a gentle giant who loves to cuddle into us. Always pushes in to make sure he feeds first. 

On week 4 mum is weaning them off her and only occasionally lets them feed. She still cleans them and the puppy patch though.

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UPDATED  Friday, August 12, 2005 05:24:24 AM

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