AWVP Loved Pets in Australia

Australian Adventure Travel with Pets

AWVP Travel with pets in  Australia.    Sheba  Ben  Shez  and Sam Life Story ,  Our travels with Pets and  Pictures of places and pets

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Click on Photo to enlarge

Up ] Sheba Family ] [ Sheba ] Ben 1 ] Sam 1 ] Sam 2 ] Shez 1 ] Shez 2 ] Shez 3 ] Pups ] Slide Show ]


Sheba Dries

Sheba Comes out of the River in the North of WA

Sheba Dries off at the Robe River on her last trip before she died

Sheba And Ben in Dam

Sheba Ben Play in Dam

Sheba and Ben enjoy the sea at Cleaverville beach

Sheba and Ben in the dam on the farm

Up ] Sheba Family ] [ Sheba ] Ben 1 ] Sam 1 ] Sam 2 ] Shez 1 ] Shez 2 ] Shez 3 ] Pups ] Slide Show ]



Photos CWP by AWVP

Designed by [  AWVP ] AW Video Productions  in affiliation with [ WAM ]  Western Australia Multimedia


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  COPYRIGHT (C) 2000      UPDATED  Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Designed by [  AWVP ] AW Video Productions  in affiliation with [ WAM ]  Western Australia Multimedia